MCKRBC along with the rest of the churches from the Southern Baptist Convention contribute monies towards Southern Baptist missionary work via special offerings that are given by each church member beyond their regular tithe to their church. This effort is known as the Cooperative Program.
The special offerings go to help missionaries in North America and abroad so they can help the people that are in need.
There are three offerrings during the year:
Sylvia Wilson Offering for State Missions: supports mission work in Washington State and the Pacific Northwest.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: supports mission work abroad.
Annie Armstrong Easter Offerring: supports mission work in North America.
The special offerings go to help missionaries in North America and abroad so they can help the people that are in need.
There are three offerrings during the year:
Sylvia Wilson Offering for State Missions: supports mission work in Washington State and the Pacific Northwest.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: supports mission work abroad.
Annie Armstrong Easter Offerring: supports mission work in North America.